Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  May 2024 be better for us all around.  

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I get anxious

Came across this question a few seconds ago and thought on it a little.  I do still get pretty anxious in large groups of people.  A lot of that is just plain fear from when I had the cancer and no immune system.  I learned all too well that folks do not give a shit about being out in public with something communicable when I somehow ended up with shingles on my damn face.  At the time we did not know what the hell it was, it was just a big large leather patch that grew on my face and eventually had to get it biopsied to see what it was.  Since then, I do my best to avoid large crowds at least without wearing a mask.  Too many mouth breathers out there.  Maybe one day I will eventually not be so anxious about it.  Just not today.  

Posted by Mistoffelees, 0 comments

Well… speaking of trying to keep up with things….

I really need to make time for this.  I honestly planned on journaling different things just to be a venting spot.. or maybe a spot for folks to get to know my rando thoughts.  

A lot has happened.  I did finally get the IT Manager position so 100% YAY! but now I am putting myself through testing for things like ADD.  I like my job and what I am doing and I really don’t want to fuck it up.  I know I completely suck at multitasking, organization, time escapes me, etc… so I figured.. may as well look into it more and do what I can to make sure I don’t screw this up.  

And now to do what I came here to do, post a few youtube links…

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I hate April, but I also love it…

April is a difficult month for me.  Its not that it always have, there are plenty of great things to celebrate this month.  My mother, brother, son, and besty foresty’s birthdays are all this month… one after another.  These are awesome moments  to celebrate.. 

In 2016 I went into Duke Hospital for one hell of a medical ride.  Surviving the cancer, with everything I went through personally weighs heavily on my mind with comparison to all those who did not, have not, and will not survive theirs.  Case in point.  January of that year, I started the process of getting a bone marrow transplant.  While the process leading up to it was not that bad, cept for that bone barrow biopsy.  On the way down for me to check into the hote….hospital, I received a call that the man I considered a mentor to me had passed.  Not even from the initial cancer that almost took him the first time, but lung cancer that snuck up out of nowhere.  

It broke my heart.  

He was a kind man, a very well read and out spoken gentleman.  If ever there were a human being to aspire to be, it would be him.  He taught me a lot about being human, and being strong.  He told me about how he was part of one of the marches in Alabama during desegregation.  Here he was, a very white man, walking along side African Americans, when he was accosted by one of the cops at the time.  This officer drug him by his hair to a barber shop and at gun point forced the barber to shave his head.  It doesn’t seem like much, but at the time it could have been a lot worse for him. 

After learning of his passing, I was devastated.   But I pressed on.  The thought of guilt had not fully set in.  Really, that didn’t start happening till the second death that year.  

So now I look at April each year with happiness for being able to celebrate my brother, mother, son, and besty foresty’s birthdays.  Luckily these are all near the end of the month.  I start April each year looking at it in disdain.  

Regardless… to you good sir, Mr Owen Schultz.  This parting glass will always be for you good sir.  I hope one day I live up to the expectations you had of me.  


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Amber-Lee Blake Hodges

Pulchritudinous was one of the first few words I learned on my own when challenged by Amber-Lee Blake many many moons ago to learn more words than what I was taught. Its one of the few that has stuck with me throughout the years…
In the end, the cancer finally won, but not without her fighting back. She was a fighter and blissful to be around. She was not about to let it slow her down either. She had made up her mind, and was going to do the things she was going to do before leaving. Between us, there were never good byes or hellos, just a pause on the conversation. Even if that pause was a few years.
I remember when I had first come out of the hospital and needed a baby sitter one day. When trying to figure out, just called out of the blue to ask, and there was absolutely no hesitation. “Of course I will!” Then she got on to me for doing to much from trying to cook all day. She even hearted Nigel (#NigelTheMannequin).
I won’t say this is good bye. Ill just talk you later. So this parting glass is for you m’dear.

Posted by Mistoffelees, 0 comments

I’ve really gotta take time to post

Im getting too wrapped up in work, then coming home and vegetating. Its just a lot of stuff going on at work so I am comsistently busy. Then by the time I get home I am just kinda worn out. It will get better though. Im working on trying different things to stay organized. It does not help that while doing the Manager role, I am also having to fill in as tech role..
WHen I had Covid I had to stay home (obviously) and it wasnt bad working from home. I was able to focus on the manager aspect of things and I feel like I got things done. But once I returned that went to shit again lol.
Thats ok though. They will be posting the manager position soon. Who knows, maybe I will get it. Maybe not. I dont think I will be butt hurt if they give it to someone else. I know that there are always more qualified folks out there. If I don’t get the position, then I do, at least, hope that whoever gets it, is not an asshole.

Posted by Mistoffelees, 0 comments

To New York and Back!

Last week, Maya and I took a train up to NYC. It was FANTASTIC and so tiring at the same time. Before we went up, I also went to the dentist and pick up a partial for the 5 teeh that broke since all this cancer mess. Hopefully it just stays at that.
Ive noticed that since I got that thing, I am smiling alot more. I had thought that after loosing some of the teeth that really it didnt bother me till I noticed that I wasnt really smiling anymore.
THe trip itself was really fun. We took the train up to NYC and when we got off the train, we only had to walk about a block to get to our hotel and get checked in. We did have a lot of fun. We got to see The Phantom of The Opera at The Majestic Theatre. IT WAS AMAZING.
We got to see times square, the statue of libarty from a distance, the nintendo store, the hershey store, and the M&M Store. THe last day of the trip we got some chinese food that was amazing. We cannot wait to go again next year.

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Merry Christmas

This was a fantastic Christmas.  It was very nice to have the family together.  It has been a few years since we were all together and to be honest, it is nice.  Everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves today and a fantastic dinner awaits.  I have been smelling the turkey that I made earlier all day and holy shit its making me hungry and slightly drooly.  

Even so, I should also keep in mind my dearest friend Amber.  While we, and she, are celebrating with family, this does have the potential to be her last Christmas on this realm.  She has been given a tether of time but only a short one.  She sounds like she has accepted her fate, and I could not be more proud of her and sad for her.  Things like this really rattle my cage because I have a hard time grasping why I am the one that survived compared to others who did not.  I mean, I dont feeeeeel important but I know to my family and friends I am important.  I know to my kids that I am their world when they see me.  So I get it, we are all important to others in one way, shape, or form.  Never forget that.  

And now, time to stuff face.  Good night.  

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He’s gone….

I don’t know how I feel about this.  I am excited for him to be on his own adventure somewhere and trying to make a name for himself.  It scares me that hes moved 12ish hours away though to the state of insane folks.  Florida.  I know he will be ok.  He seems to be moving in with good peoples.  I just hope that it all works out for him.  

Griffin is and forever will be my baby.  It doesnt matter how old he is or how tall he is.  He is my baby.  I will hug him till the day I die.  Now, I am left with these hidden emotions.  Things sweltering up that I don’t know how to cope with.  Saddness, guilt, love.  I had decided that when he felt it was time to move out and on his own, that I was not going to stop him or talk him out of it.  Instead I would make sure he always has all the information he needs to make an informed decision.  

I love you Griffin… Be safe.  Love, and you shall be loved.  

Posted by Mistoffelees, 0 comments

Another suitcase in another hall.

Well, here we go again.  New hosting, new site.  I am kinda sad though, that I did not FTP the old site.  I should remember to do that on this one in case I decide to let this one lapse too.  I really hope to keep this up and going, I really just have to make the time to do so, and so far I have failed in doing so.  

My future thoughts on this is to not only have little blogs here and there, but also recipes for food and also hopefully some ones I have taken from other places like the always awesome Struggle Meals, hosted by Frankie Celenza.  I have tried several of the recipes from this show and they do make a nice amount of food for relatively cheap.  Perhaps others can share their cheap food options.  With the way prices are skyrocketing, we could all use some help to cut down on that expense.  

Next I will write about Misto.  It has been a long time since I have done real creative writing and honestly, since the cancer, I really feel I have lost a lot of it.  I used to be able to put thoughts into words and onto a screen through my fingertips on a keyboard and yet, I find myself struggling to even get coherent thoughts out.  However, I am trying to work on my brain more.  Work on getting the creativity I once had, at least someone back.  


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