Merry Christmas
This was a fantastic Christmas. It was very nice to have the family together. It has been a few years since we were all together and to be honest, it is nice. Everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves today and a fantastic dinner awaits. I have been smelling the turkey that I made earlier all day and holy shit its making me hungry and slightly drooly.
Even so, I should also keep in mind my dearest friend Amber. While we, and she, are celebrating with family, this does have the potential to be her last Christmas on this realm. She has been given a tether of time but only a short one. She sounds like she has accepted her fate, and I could not be more proud of her and sad for her. Things like this really rattle my cage because I have a hard time grasping why I am the one that survived compared to others who did not. I mean, I dont feeeeeel important but I know to my family and friends I am important. I know to my kids that I am their world when they see me. So I get it, we are all important to others in one way, shape, or form. Never forget that.
And now, time to stuff face. Good night.